ABS - Accordance Bible Software
ABS stands for Accordance Bible Software
Here you will find, what does ABS stand for in Software under Computing category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Accordance Bible Software? Accordance Bible Software can be abbreviated as ABS What does ABS stand for? ABS stands for Accordance Bible Software. What does Accordance Bible Software mean?Accordance Bible Software is an expansion of ABS
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Alternative definitions of ABS
- Anti Blockier System
- Absender
- Asset- Backed Security
- Abstract
- Absent
- Anti-lock Braking System
- Absorbance
- Absolute
View 373 other definitions of ABS on the main acronym page
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- AEPL Ayana Energy Private Limited
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- AFCL Atlas Foundations Co. LLC
- ADI Aerospace Dynamics Inc.
- ABD Apothecary By Design
- ABH American Bone Health
- ASEPL Automation System Engineers Pvt. Ltd
- AHI Absolute Hr International
- AMAS Alpha Medical A.S.
- AAL Avalon Abseiling Ltd
- AFS Advanced Financial Solutions
- ATC Assam Tea Company
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